Suede Shoe Savvy: Your Guide to Cleaning, Storing, Repairing, and More!
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Suede Shoe Savvy: Your Guide to Cleaning, Storing, Repairing, and More!

Suede Shoe SOS: Ultimate Guide to Cleaning, Storing, and Repairing Your Beloved Suede Shoes /Kicks

Suede shoes are a timeless fashion statement, adding a touch of sophistication and texture to any outfit. But their delicate nature requires special care to keep them looking their best. Fear not, suede aficionados! This guide will equip you with all the practical advice and tutorials you need to keep your suede shoes sparkling clean, stored safely, and ready to conquer the world (one stylish step at a time).


  • Brush it off: The first line of defense against dirt and dust is a gentle suede brush. Brush regularly, especially after wearing, to remove surface grime and prevent deeper stains.

  • Tackle the tough stuff: For tougher stains, like watermarks or food spills, use a suede eraser or a dedicated suede cleaning solution. Always test on an inconspicuous area first and follow the product instructions carefully.

  • DIY cleaning power: Whip up a natural cleaning solution with white vinegar and water (1:1 ratio). Dip a clean cloth into the solution, wring it out until almost dry, and gently dab the stain. Remember, never saturate the suede!

  • Waterproofing woes: Rain or shine, protect your suede shoes with a waterproofing spray. Apply it after cleaning and drying, following the product instructions for optimal protection.


  • Find the right home: Avoid storing suede shoes in plastic bags or cardboard boxes, as they can trap moisture and cause mold growth. Opt for breathable storage options like shoe trees, fabric bags, or open shelves.

  • Stuff them right: Use shoe trees to maintain the shape of your shoes and prevent them from creasing. For extra protection, you can also stuff them with clean, acid-free tissue paper.

  • Keep them cool and dry: Avoid storing suede shoes in direct sunlight or in humid environments. A cool, dry place is ideal for preventing fading and moisture damage.


  • Sole mates: Worn-out soles? Don't despair! Take your shoes to a professional cobbler for sole replacements. They can reattach or replace soles with durable materials, extending the life of your favorite kicks.

  • Stitch it up: Minor tears or loose seams can be easily repaired with a needle and thread. Choose a thread color that matches your suede and use a tight stitch to close the gap.

  • Buff away scuffs: Minor scuffs can be buffed out with a suede brush or a suede eraser. Be gentle and avoid over-buffing, as this can damage the delicate surface.

Waterproofing Tutorial:

  1. Gather your supplies: You'll need a waterproofing spray, a clean cloth, and a well-ventilated area.

  2. Prepare your shoes: Make sure your shoes are clean and dry before applying the spray. Remove any laces or inserts.

  3. Spray it on: Hold the can about 6-8 inches away from the shoe and spray evenly in a light mist. Avoid saturating the suede.

  4. Let it dry: Allow the shoes to air dry completely, away from direct heat or sunlight. This usually takes about 24 hours.

  5. Repeat as needed: Reapply the waterproofing spray every few months, or more often if you wear your shoes in wet conditions.

Deodorizing Tip:

  • Sprinkle baking soda inside your shoes and leave them overnight to absorb odors. In the morning, brush out the baking soda and enjoy fresh-smelling suede!

By following these practical tips and tutorials, you can keep your suede shoes looking their best for years to come. So go forth, conquer the world in style, and remember, suede shoes are worth the extra care!

Bonus Tip: Consider investing in a suede brush with both soft and stiff bristles for tackling different cleaning needs.

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